Recent Press
Joint Development Supports “Main Street” Businesses
Dear Editor, I am writing regarding an article by Ken Ward that was published in the Charleston Gazette-Mail on March 28. I am chief executive officer of Energy Corporation of America (ECA) – a natural gas and oil company that is headquartered in West Virginia. We were founded more than ...
Joint Development Represents Fairness and Opportunity
by Brett Loflin, Northeast Natural Energy The state of West Virginia is in the midst of financial crisis. All are aware of ongoing discussions between the Governor and the Legislature as to how we can generate revenue in order to provide our citizens with the services, education, infrastructure and overall ...
Opinion: HB 2811 applies common sense to tank bill, helps West Virginia
By Doug Malcolm Let’s be real about the oil and gas production tanks that are the subject of House Bill 2811. First, they are not “chemical storage tanks” as they have recently been described in an attempt to scare up opposition to the bill. The vast majority of these tanks ...
IOGA, WV legislators say properly regulated resources could fuel economic boost
JIM WORKMAN / The State Journal While West Virginia is in a financial crisis with a big budget shortfall and looking to increase revenues wherever it can, the state sits on the potential and expected answer, Senate President Mitch Carmichael, R-Jackson, said. “We’re sitting on the Saudi Arabia of natural ...
Industry to push 2 natural gas access proposals during session
By MetroNews Staff in News | February 06, 2017 at 12:21PM CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Lobbyists for West Virginia’s gas industry will not be making another run at forced pooling or lease integration legislation during the upcoming legislative session, according to the executive director of the West Virginia Oil and Natural ...