Recent Press
“Best hope for WV”
The status of the proposed Appalachian Storage and Trade Hub, as well as the oil and gas industry in general, was a primary topic Wednesday at the 2019 winter meeting of the Independent Oil & Gas Association of West Virginia. IOGAWV President Brett Loflin said the two-day conference likely set ...
Energy Speaks Infrastructure Conference Highlights
Energy Speaks and West Virginia Roundtable presented the first Energy Infrastructure Summit, a free event at Embassy Suites in Charleston, designed to share information and ideas about West Virginia's growing oil and natural gas industry. Presenters and panelists discussed the Appalachian Storage Hub Update, working together to grow the industry, ...
Anderson named to lead NETL
The U.S. Department of Energy named a new director of the agency’s National Energy Technology Laboratory. The new director, Brian Anderson, comes from West Virginia University’s Energy Institute. Read more...
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Brooke County natural gas power plant clears critical hurdle
A recent decision by the West Virginia Supreme Court could be the paradigm shift supporters of using the state’s natural gas to create electricity, instead of coal, have been waiting for. Late Thursday, the West Virginia Supreme Court issued a unanimous memorandum decision in favor of Energy Solutions Consortium, affirming ...