IOGAWV Committed to Reducing Methane Emissions!!! |
As recently announced by Shale Crescent and at the Marcellus to Manufacturing Conference, if the Appalachian Basin were a country, it would be the third largest natural gas producing nation in the world. The region has transformed into a natural gas powerhouse in the past decade, and is also attracting billions of dollars in new manufacturing investment as a result.
A recent analysis by Energy In Depth finds that from 2011 to 2017, combined oil and natural gas production in the basin grew from 322 million barrels of oil equivalent to 1.5 billion Boe. At the same time, methane emissions from production in the basin fell from 5.3 million metric tons to 4.7 MMT, resulting in an emissions intensity reduction of 82 percent. |
The U.S. oil and natural gas industry is stepping up to reduce its environmental footprint. Methane emissions reductions are an important focus of the industry, and as EID’s new analysis demonstrates, the technological innovation and increased efforts are having real results in some of the most prolific U.S. shale basins. Note: Methane emissions intensity figures were calculated using production data from the EIA Drilling Productivity Report and emissions data from the EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program. Daily annual average production data was multiplied by 365 to get annual figures. Natural gas production figures were converted from cubic feet to barrel of oil equivalent (Boe). Methane emissions were divided by total combined oil and natural gas production in Boe. |
In addition, IOGAWV’s own James D. Elliott, Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC, has been named as a member of the team of experts from the RPSEA , GSI Environmental Inc.; GTI and CSU on their project with the DOE NETL entitled : Quantification of Methane Emissions from Marginal (Small Producing) Oil and Gas Wells. The data collected in this study will help address critical knowledge gaps and support best management practices that are appropriate for marginal oil and gas wells—e.g., oil wells that produce less than 15 bpd or gas wells that produce less than 90 MCFD. You can learn more about the study by visiting We need your help to collect and evaluate representative, defensible and repeatable data for each type of well (marginal vs. non-marginal, oil vs. natural gas). This survey should require minimal effort and all data collected is CONFIDENTIAL AND BLINDED. You may submit data for groups of production sites with similar characteristics OR for individual well sites. Please visit the project website ( and complete one of the two available survey forms. Your input will help support common sense regulations based on sufficient data. If you have any questions, please email |