Recent Press
Why WV Needs Cotenancy
In West Virginia, a single mineral tract could have hundreds of separate owners, or cotenants. Current state statutes prevent development of a mineral tract unless ALL owners (100%) of the property agree to the proposed development; any one owner, no matter how small an interest it has, can prevent a ...
Burd Appointed to IOGCC
IOGAWV Executive Director Charlie Burd has been appointed to a three-year term on the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) Steering Committee through November 2020. Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, who is Chairman of the IOGCC, made the announcement. Congratulations, Charlie!
Producers Meet in Morgantown
Brett Loflin (at podium) spoke about legislative matters during the Producers Issues Committee meeting in Morgantown as part of Sports Weekend. He is IOGAWV's Vice President and chair of the Program and Government Affairs Committees. The meeting focused on issues of importance to all West Virginia producers including legislative and environmental issues. ...
Cub Scout Gets Fidget Spinner at BSA Jamboree
Troop 547 Scout Master Bruce Nutter and Cub Master Peggy Sue Miller shown with Cub Scout Wyatt Miller and his Dominion Energy fidget spinner. Cub Scout Wyatt Miller, son of Dominion Energy employee Shawn Miller, is holding a fidget spinner with a Dominion Energy logo that was given to him ...
Safe Gas Pipelines Critical to Our Quality of Life
By: Joe Eddy, President/CEO, Eagle Manufacturing Company, Wellsburg, WV June 20, 2017 …