Recent Press
Ethane storage hub: Tri-state agreement aims for cooperation first (Daily Mail WV)
Officials in West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania are all vying for a piece of the petrochemical pie, served up hot and fresh from the region's boom in natural gas production. Although the three states compete with each other for investments like the Appalachian Storage and Trading Hub, an agreement between ...
Perry Bryant: We can reduce our carbon footprint (Daily Mail WV)
While economic development officials across the region hope to take advantage of abundant supplies of natural gas and hydrocarbon, our nation and world must also look to a future where we minimize their use. Climate change is the result of burning fossil fuels and is the opposite of the old ...
Finance Chairmen: Natural Gas Severance Taxes Too Volatile to Properly Fund PEIA
CHARLESTON, W.Va. – The Chairmen of the Legislature’s two Finance Committees said increasing severance taxes on natural gas would be the wrong way to properly fund the Public Employees Insurance Agency because that revenue stream is far too volatile to fund such a vital program. House Finance Committee Chairman Eric Nelson, ...
IOGAWV Hosts Inaugural STEM Workshop for Teachers
The Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia (IOGAWV) hosted its inaugural Science Teacher Education Workshop June 19 and 20, which was attended by more than 40 science teachers from across the state, as shown below. The goal of the workshop, held at the Embassy Suites, was to help ...
The News We’ve Been Waiting to Hear
Committee Substitute for HB-4268 The Cotenancy Modernization and Majority Protection Act Passes! IOGAWV is pleased to announce to its members that HB-4268, the Cotenancy Modernization and Majority Protection Act passed the full House of Delegates today! On February 15, Committee Substitute for House Bill 4268 passed the House of Delegates ...