Recent Press

General Water Pollution Control Permit for CMB Wells And COVID – 19 Comeback Information From WVU’s Encova Center

May 6th, 2020|

The Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia wishes to inform you of this Official Public Notice from the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 @ 5:19 PM PUBLIC NOTICE GENERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PERMIT FOR WATER PRODUCED FROM COALBED METHANE WELLS The West Virginia ...


Executive Order 34-20

May 5th, 2020|

STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT At Charleston EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 34-20 By the Governor   WHEREAS, a State of Emergency was declared on the Sixteenth Day of March, Two Thousand Twenty for all counties in West Virginia (the "State of Emergency Declaration"), to allow agencies to coordinate and create ...


Executive Order 33-20

May 5th, 2020|

STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT At Charleston EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 33-20 By the Governor   WHEREAS, a State of Emergency was declared on the Sixteenth Day of March, Two Thousand Twenty for all counties in West Virginia (the "State of Emergency Declaration"), to allow agencies to coordinate and create ...


Executive Order 32-20

May 5th, 2020|

STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT At Charleston EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 32-20 By the Governor   WHEREAS, a State of Emergency was declared on the Sixteenth Day of March, Two Thousand Twenty for all counties in West Virginia (the "State of Emergency Declaration"), to allow agencies to coordinate and create ...