Recent Press
Industry License Plate STILL Available
The initial process of collecting a minimum of 250 individual applications requesting a specialized license plate honoring the oil and natural gas industry has come to fruition! IOGA and WVONGA have collectively been asking our members to consider applying for a license plate dedicated to the oil and natural gas ...
Main Street Lending Program Update/”Drive Safe” Training Announced
UPDATE ON THE MAIN STREET LENDING PROGRAM FOR ENERGY SECTOR COMPANIES The Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia (IOGAWV) informs all members they are invited to join the US Department of Commerce, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, and the Small Business Administration on July 30, ...
Website Information and CARES Act Small Business Grant Program FAQ
IOGAWV Website Full of Information The Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia (IOGAWV) reminds all members of its ongoing efforts to provide the latest and most up-to-date information on activities and issues effecting all oil and natural gas producers and the businesses that serve them. In addition, virtually ...
West Virginia CARES Act Small Business Grant Program
The Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia wishes to remind you that applications open TODAY for the West Virginia CARES Act Small Business Grant Program. The full details are included below. Governor Justice’s WV CARES Act Small Business Grant Program provides West Virginia’s small businesses—the backbone of ...
Gov. Justice Announces WV CARES Act Small Business Funding Program
GOVERNOR JIM JUSTICE ANNOUNCES WV CARES Act Small Business Funding Program Governor Jim Justice is rolling out his previously announced Small Business Grant Program, which will become effective Monday, July 13, 2020. The program will initially provide businesses that were in existence on February 29, 2020, with between 1 ...