Recent Press
IOGA is pleased to inform you that the WVDEP has reached out to us to provide this important updated information to all producer and tank owners on the AST Zone Mapping and Extended Effective dates. Here is its message: “The Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) has provided ...
Let’s Make Our Voices Heard
The Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia (IOGA) is joining an energy industry effort to get ready for the upcoming election - and we need you to take action today. With just a few weeks until this critical election, we are asking you to join IOGA as ...
IMPORTANT Meeting on the REVISED AST “Zone Coverages”
The Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia (IOGA) is in the process of establishing a date and time for an on-line ZOOM teleconference to discuss the newly revised changes in the Zones of Critical Concern (ZCCs), Zones of Peripheral Concern (ZPCs), and Wellhead Protection Areas (WPAs). A ...
Last Chance to Register for the 2020 IOGAWV Sports Weekend
The Sports Weekend is filling up. This is your last chance to register. IOGA Vice President and Program Chair Maribeth Anderson encourages everyone to register now to join the fun at the 2020 IOGA Sports (Weekend) Outing on Friday, September 18, at Bridgeport Country Club. Activities begin at 8:00 a.m. ...
Aboveground Storage Tank–Updated Mapping Information
The Independent Oil and Gas Association, in cooperation with the Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) provides this updated mapping information made available from them to WVDEP concerning changes in the Zones of Critical Concern (ZCCs), Zones of Peripheral Concern (ZPCs), and Wellhead Protection Areas (WPAs) which includes the ...