"*" indicates required fields

Are your business interests significantly tied to and dependent on the industry?*
Are you working directly in the West Virginia oil and gas industry?*
Are you an employer?*
This application, and the questions below, are for the applicant identified here.
0 of 100 max characters
Name of individual representing applicant*
This person will be the company's contact person for GO-WV.
0 of 50 max characters
0 of 75 max characters
0 of 1000 max characters
0 of 1000 max characters


Any employer that is primarily engaged in the exploration, drilling, production, well servicing, gathering, processing, marketing, transportation, storage or distribution of oil, natural gas and/or NGLs, with operations in West Virginia and those employers that are significantly and directly involved in the West Virginia oil and gas industry and provide services, machinery, supplies and materials directly used or consumed in those activities, shall be eligible to become a “Member” of the Association.


Any individual or business that is engaged in providing ancillary services or activities related to or supportive of the oil and/ or natural gas industry not covered by subsection (a) or who otherwise does not qualify as a Voting Member, shall be eligible to become an “Associate Member” of the Association. Associate Members shall not have voting rights but shall be entitled to receive all Association membership communications and to participate in all Association meetings and events.

Only those who have significant involvement in the natural gas and oil industry in West Virginia, are employers and are approved for membership by the GO-WV Board of Directors are admitted as Members. Generally, an “employer” employs employees and: (1) has the power to hire and fire; (2) supervises and controls work schedules or conditions of employment; (3) determines the rate and method of payment; and (4) maintains employment records. Generally, an employer withholds taxes and social security payments from salaries or wages, and submits W-2 forms.

Although you may not be significantly tied to the industry or be an employer at this time, we welcome you to join with GO-WV as an Associate. If you check “no” to any of the qualifying questions below, you will be considered for approval as a GO-WV Associate.
Membership Type
Were you recommended or referred to GO-WV by someone?*
Would you like additional directory listings?*
For each $500 (or portion thereof) paid in annual dues, you will receive one database and directory listing. Additional listings are $75 each. Please submit additional listing information to info@gowv.com.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.