Recent Press
DEP releases state of environment report
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The state Department of Environmental Protection recently released the fifth edition of its State of the Environment Report. “It’s a snapshot of as many measurements as we can realistically come up with for the health of the state’s environment; air, land and water,” state DEP Secretary Randy Huffman ...
Implementation of the 2015 Aboveground Storage Tank Act
To: All IOGAWV Members From: Bob Radabaugh, Chairman, Environmental & Safety Committee Date: June 15, 2015 Subject: Implementation of the 2015 Aboveground Storage Tank Act Late last week, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) sent a reminder to all owners of above ground storage tanks that addressed the ...
Rotary Learns About Independent Oil, Gas
Dennis Xander, from the Independent Oil and Gas Association of W.Va. (IOGA), spoke to the Rotary club May 20. He is part of a campaign sponsored by the Just Beneath the Surface Alliance to provide the public with an in-depth look into the natural gas industry. Their goal is to ...
Clearing Up Myths About Gas ‘Pooling’ Laws
The debate in West Virginia over pooling of the Marcellus Shale has been spirited to say the least. As the debate increases in intensity, emotional rhetoric trumps pragmatism and analysis of what is the best course for developing our resources and how to use these resources within the borders of ...
Marshall County plant loses fracking fight
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A West Virginia judge has thrown out new legal challenges to a plan for natural gas production near a Marshall County chemical plant. Late in December, Marshall Circuit Judge David W. Hummel dismissed legal complaints filed by Axiall Corp. over the natural gas drilling and production operation ...