Recent Press
MARGINAL WELL / PLUGGING LEGISLATION SIGNED BY GOVERNOR JUSTICE Fulfilling a commitment to us made at our 2020 IOGAWV Winter Meeting, Governor Jim Justice has signed into law, Committee Substitute for HB-4090 (The Marginal Well / Plugging Bill). House Bill 4090 reduces the severance tax on marginal oil and natural ...
IOGAWV Continuing to Serve Membership
Please see this important message from the Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia, Inc. Beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the IOGAWV temporarily closed its Charleston, WV office in an effort to stop or prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. During this time of temporary closure, the IOGA ...
IOGAWV Capitol Report Update
Your IOGAWV Executive Committee, Governmental Affairs Committee and lobbying team are very pleased and excited to inform you that two HIGH PRIORITY pieces of legislation have passed both chambers and will be soon sent to Governor Jim Justice to become law. Here is a brief overview of these two very ...
IOGAWV Endorsed and Supported Legislation
Your Association leadership and lobbying team are pleased to inform you that several important pieces of legislation are live and moving! They are described here: Committee Substitute for HB-4090 (The Marginal Well / Plugging Bill), is a bill to reduce the severance tax on marginal oil and natural gas wells, excluding ...
Buy Low, Sell High
Buying low and selling high. It’s the commonsense strategy that strongly influences business and personal investment decisions aimed to maximize the value of our economic activities. For example, investing in a down stock market offers the long-term investor an opportunity for upside gains because the investor decides to buy assets with ...