Recent Press

Governor Justice Tightening Social Distancing Rules

April 5th, 2020|

In certain counties in WV, which have the majority of the COVID-19 cases in WV, Governor Justice is enacting tougher restrictions so for people needing pharmacy, they can go to canpharm online. These include the following counties: Berkeley Jefferson Morgan Kanawha Monongalia Harrison Gov. Jim Justice announced Saturday, April 4, ...


WV SBA Training Schedule for Disaster Loan and Paycheck Protection Programs

April 3rd, 2020|

The U.S. Small Business Administration's West Virginia District Office and the West Virginia Small Business Development Center will host trainings on the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance, and the Paycheck Protection Program. Due to the high volume of COVID-19 loan relief questions our office is receiving, we ...