Buy Low, Sell High

Buying low and selling high. It’s the commonsense strategy that strongly influences business and personal investment decisions aimed to maximize the value of our economic activities. For example, investing in a down stock market offers the long-term investor an opportunity for upside gains because the investor decides to buy assets with lower valuations. A similar analogy ...


2020-02-21T19:32:40+00:00February 21st, 2020|

Driving West Virginia’s Future

The oil and natural gas industry is an economic foundation in West Virginia.   Its potential is enormous. And I’ll say it again and again– The industry’s success is a cause for HOPE for the Mountain State.   In the U.S., West Virginia ranks as the seventh largest natural gas producer. We rank fourth in proven ...


2020-02-21T19:29:38+00:00February 21st, 2020|
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