1. Applicant must be a West Virginia high school senior.
2. Applicant must be a dependent of an employee/retiree of a GO-WV Company in good standing OR be employed by a GO-WV Company in good standing (Student employee must have worked a minimum of 400 hours. Validation of hours worked and a letter of recommendation from the employer must be provided).
3. Applicant must enroll in a four year West Virginia college or university.
4. Applicant must compose a 300-500 word essay answering the question: “Describe your community’s perception of the Oil and Gas Industry and explain how you would improve it.”
5. Application must be signed by the high school counselor.
6. The completed application (including the AP and Honors Courses, Extracurricular Activities Including Employment, and Community Service and Other Activities forms) along with the student’s essay, transcript and ACT scores must be postmarked no later than Friday, March 19, 2021 GOWV will accept applications and accompanying essays postmarked between January 2, 2024 and March 15, 2024. From all the applications received, a GO-WV Scholarship Review Committee will review the qualifying applications and award scholarships in the early part of April 2024. The winners will be announced at their respective high school awards assemblies or commencement programs. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Katie McCracken at 304-344-9867 or via e-mail at kmccracken@gowv.com.